# GTU IT Sem 5 Software Engineering (SE) Summer 2023 Paper Solution | 3150711


(a) Differentiate between classical waterfall model and iterative waterfall model (3 marks)

  • Classical Waterfall Model:
    • Sequential phases: Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification, Maintenance.
    • No feedback loops: Each phase must be completed before the next begins.
    • Inflexible to changes: Difficult to go back to previous phases.
    • Suited for well-understood projects with stable requirements.
  • Iterative Waterfall Model:
    • Similar sequential phase structure.
    • Allows feedback loops: Phases can be revisited based on feedback.
    • More flexible: Adapts to changes and new requirements during the development process.
    • Better for projects where requirements may evolve.

(b) Difference between Product and Process in the context of software engineering (4 marks)

S. No.ProductProcess
1.Product is the final production of the project.While the process is a set of sequence steps that have to be followed to create a project.
2.A product focuses on the final result.Whereas the process is focused on completing each step being developed.
3.In the case of products, the firm guidelines are followed.In contrast, the process consistently follows guidelines.
4.A product tends to be short-term.Whereas the process tends to be long-term.
5.The main goal of the product is to complete the work successfully.While the purpose of the process is to make the quality of the project better.
6.Product is created based on the needs and expectations of the customers.A process serves as a model for producing various goods in a similar way.
7.A product layout is a style of layout design in which the materials required to make the product are placed in a single line depending on the order of operations.When resources with similar processes or functions are grouped together, it is referred to as a process layout.
8.Product patents are thought to offer a greater level of protection than process patents.A process patent provides the inventor only limited protection.

(c) How does RAD model work? Discuss the pros and cons of RAD model (7 marks)

The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model is a type of incremental software development process that emphasizes an extremely short development cycle. It is a "high-speed" adaptation of the waterfall model where components or functions are developed in parallel as mini-projects. The developments are time-boxed, delivered, and then assembled into a working prototype.

When the requirements are fully understood and the component-based construction approach is adopted then the RAD model is used. Various phases in RAD are Requirements Gathering, Analysis and Planning, Design, Build or Construction, and finally Deployment.

  • How RAD Works:
    • Initial Planning: Unlike traditional waterfall, RAD starts with defining the project's scope and requirements.
    • Rapid Construction: It involves iterative development and prototyping. This phase is where the actual coding happens, and the system is built incrementally.
    • User Feedback: Regular feedback from users is incorporated into the development, ensuring the final product meets the business needs.
  • Pros of RAD Model:
    • Speed: Rapid development and delivery of a product.
    • User-Centered: Regular user involvement in the development ensures a more user-focused product. Feedback is also available in initial stages.
    • Flexibility: Easily adaptable to changes in requirements.
    • Productivity
    • Reduced Costs
  • Cons of RAD Model:
    • Resource Intensive: Requires highly skilled developers and often more resources.
    • Not for Large Projects: Less effective for large, complex projects.
    • Dependency on Modelling Skills: Successful implementation of RAD requires strong team capabilities in modeling and rapid prototyping.


(a) How does functional requirements differ from non-functional requirements of the software? (3 marks)

  • Functional Requirements: These are the requirements that the end user specifically demands as basic facilities that the system should offer. All these functionalities need to be necessarily incorporated into the system as a part of the contract.
    1. Specific behavior: Describes the specific functions the software system must perform.
    2. Direct user interaction: Includes capabilities directly interacted with by the users.
    3. Example: User authentication, data processing, etc.
  • Non-Functional Requirements: These are basically the quality constraints that the system must satisfy according to the project contract.
    1. Quality attributes: Specifies the quality standards the software must adhere to.
    2. Indirect user impact: Influences the overall user experience rather than specific functionalities.
    3. Example: Performance, scalability, security.

(b) What are the different risk identification methods? Explain any one of them in brief. (4 marks)

Risk identification in software engineering involves foreseeing potential issues that could derail the project. Key methods include:

  • Checklist Analysis: Utilize pre-developed lists of common project risks.
  • Brainstorming: Gathering a team to generate a broad range of risks.
  • Casual Mapping: Causal mapping is method that builds or develops on reflection and review of failure factors in cause and effect of the diagrams
  • SWOT Analysis: Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  • Flowchart Method: allows for dynamic process to be diagrammatically represented in paper.
  • Interviews: Consulting experts or stakeholders.
  • Delphi Technique: Gathering anonymous feedback from experts.
  • Scenario Analysis: Imagining possible future scenarios.

Example - SWOT Analysis:

  • Strengths: Assess internal attributes that support successful software delivery.
  • Weaknesses: Identify internal factors that could pose challenges.
  • Opportunities: External chances to improve performance (e.g., technological advancements).
  • Threats: External elements that could cause trouble for the project (e.g., market competition).

(c) Enlist and explain phases of agile development methodology. (7 marks)

Agility : It is an ability of quickness, lightness, & ease of movement.

Agile development methodology, known for its flexibility and adaptability, encompasses several distinct phases:

Agile methodology, with its emphasis on customer satisfaction, continuous delivery of software, and adaptability to changing requirements, represents a significant shift from traditional, linear approaches to software development. It fosters a collaborative environment where both the development team and stakeholders actively participate in the software development process, ensuring a high-quality product that meets user needs.

  1. Concept Phase:
    • Vision and Scope: This phase involves ideating the project, establishing its vision, and understanding its scope.
    • Feasibility Study: Teams assess the feasibility of the project in terms of technology, time, and budget.
  2. Inception Phase:
    • Team Formation: Assembling the right mix of skills and expertise is crucial in this phase.
    • Initial Requirements Gathering: Although Agile is adaptive, a basic understanding of requirements is essential to start the project.
  3. Iteration/Construction Phase:
    • Iterative Development: Development happens in small, manageable iterations, typically lasting 2-4 weeks.
    • Continuous Testing and Integration: Regular testing ensures that each iteration is functional and integrates smoothly with existing code.
    • Client Feedback: Regular client interactions ensure that the product evolves according to actual user needs.
  4. Release Phase:
    • Finalizing Product: The product is refined and prepped for delivery.
    • Beta Testing: Real-world testing to catch any remaining issues.
    • Launch: The software is officially released to the users.
  5. Maintenance Phase:
    • Ongoing Support: Continuous support is provided to handle any issues that arise post-launch.
    • Updates and Enhancements: Based on user feedback, the product is updated and enhanced to improve performance and add new features.
  6. Retirement Phase:
    • End-of-Life Planning: When a product becomes obsolete or is replaced, it’s phased out.
    • Data Migration: If necessary, data is migrated to newer systems.
  7. Evaluation and Adaptation:
    • Reflective Practices: Regular retrospectives are conducted to learn from successes and failures.
    • Continuous Improvement: Agile is about evolving processes and practices for better efficiency and effectiveness in future projects.


(c) Explain different project size estimation techniques. (7 marks)

Project size estimation in software engineering is a critical task for planning and resource allocation. Various techniques are employed to estimate the size and complexity of a project accurately:

  1. Expert Judgement:
    • Relies on the experience and intuition of seasoned project managers or technical experts.
    • Pros: Quick and based on hands-on experience.
    • Cons: Subjective and may not be accurate for unique projects.
  2. Analogous Estimation:
    • Uses historical data from similar projects as a baseline.
    • Pros: Fast and effective when historical data is reliable.
    • Cons: Less accurate if past projects differ significantly.
  3. Parametric Estimation:
    • Involves mathematical models that use project parameters (like lines of code or function points) to estimate size.
    • Pros: Objective and consistent.
    • Cons: Requires detailed and accurate input data.
  4. Bottom-Up Estimation:
    • Breaks the project into smaller components and estimates each one individually.
    • Pros: Detailed and thorough.
    • Cons: Time-consuming and may overlook higher-level integration issues.
  5. Three-Point Estimation:
    • Considers the best, worst, and most likely scenarios to provide a range of estimates.
    • Pros: Accounts for uncertainty.
    • Cons: Requires thorough analysis of potential risks and outcomes.
  6. Delphi Technique:
    • Involves multiple experts who provide estimates independently, followed by iterative feedback to reach consensus.
    • Pros: Leverages diverse expert opinions.
    • Cons: Time-intensive and may lead to convergence of opinion rather than accuracy.
  7. Function Point Analysis:
    • Measures the functional size of software by quantifying user requirements.
    • Pros: Independent of the technology used.
    • Cons: Requires deep understanding of user requirements and may not accurately reflect technical complexity.

Each of these techniques brings unique strengths and weaknesses. The choice often depends on the nature of the project, available data, and the expertise of the team. Accurate project size estimation is crucial for effective planning, budgeting, and resource allocation in software development.


(a) How does the behavior testing method work? (3 Marks)

Behavior testing, also known as black-box testing, focuses on the external behavior of the software:

  • Input and Output Analysis: Tests are designed based on inputs and expected outputs without considering internal code structure.
  • Functionality Checks: Assesses if the software functions according to its specifications.
  • Real-world Simulation: Mimics user interactions to ensure software behaves as expected in actual usage scenarios.

(b) Differentiate between verification and validation. (4 Marks)

DefinitionEnsures the product is built according to the requirements and design specifications.Confirms that the final product meets the intended purpose and user needs.
FocusConcentrates on process-oriented activities like reviews, inspections, and walkthroughs.Focuses on product-oriented activities such as actual testing and evaluation of the final product.
TimingPerformed during the development stages.Conducted at the end of the development process.
ObjectiveTo ensure the product is being built correctly.To ensure the right product is being built for the user.

(c) What do you understand by performance testing? What are the different types of performance testing? (7 Marks)

Performance testing assesses the speed, stability, and scalability of a software application under various conditions:

  1. Load Testing:
    • Simulates normal to high traffic to assess performance under typical and peak conditions.
    • Identifies performance bottlenecks.
  2. Stress Testing:
    • Pushes the system beyond its normal capacity to see how it handles increased load.
    • Determines breaking points and how the system recovers from failures.
  3. Soak Testing:
    • Continuously runs the system under significant load for an extended period.
    • Checks for issues like memory leaks.
  4. Spike Testing:
    • Tests the system's reaction to sudden large spikes in traffic.
    • Evaluates the software's capacity to handle sudden workload increases.
  5. Scalability Testing:
    • Determines the software's effectiveness in scaling up to support an increase in user load.
    • Helps plan capacity addition.
  6. Volume Testing:
    • Focuses on databases to check the software's ability to handle large volumes of data.
    • Assesses performance degradation with data volume increase.
  7. Concurrency Testing:
    • Checks the system's performance when multiple users access the system simultaneously.
    • Identifies issues that occur only when the system is accessed concurrently.

Each type addresses a specific aspect of performance and collectively ensures that the software application will perform well under its expected workload.



(a) How does the glass box testing method work? (3 Marks)

Glass box testing, also known as white-box testing, involves testing the internal structures or workings of an application, focusing on:

  • Internal Logic: Examining the internal workings and logic of the code.
  • Coverage: Ensuring that all possible paths through the code are tested.
  • Levels: Can be applied at unit, integration, and system levels of software testing.
  • Tools: Utilizes tools like code analyzers and coverage analyzers.

The tester must have internal knowledge of the working structure and flow about the software.

(b) Differentiate between Integration Testing and System Testing (4 Marks)

Integration Testing:

  • Purpose: To test the interfaces and interaction between integrated units/modules.
  • Focus: On the data flow and control flow between modules.
  • Method: Conducted after unit testing and before system testing. Often uses stubs and drivers for incomplete modules.
  • Goal: To identify issues in the interaction between integrated units.

System Testing:

  • Purpose: To validate the complete and integrated software product.
  • Focus: On overall system functionality and performance.
  • Method: Conducted after integration testing. Involves testing the entire system as a whole.
  • Goal: To ensure the software meets all specified requirements and is ready for delivery.
CriteriaIntegration TestingSystem Testing
ScopeInter-module interactionEntire system
Performed AfterUnit TestingIntegration Testing
Focuses OnModule interfacesOverall functionality

(c) Important Characteristics for Good Software Design (7 Marks)

Good software design is pivotal in developing efficient and maintainable software. Some of the essential characteristics are:

Good software is characterized by several key attributes, including:

  1. Functionality:
    • The software meets the requirements and specifications that it was designed for, and it behaves as expected when it is used in its intended environment.
  2. Maintainability:
    • The software is easy to change and update, and it is well-documented, so that it can be understood and modified by other developers.
  3. Reusability:
    • The software can be reused in other projects or applications, and it is designed in a way that promotes code reuse.
  4. Modularity:
    • The design should be divided into separate modules, each handling a specific functionality.
    • Facilitates easier maintenance and scalability.
  5. Usability:
    • The software should be user-friendly and intuitive.
    • Involves considering the user experience in the design process.
  6. Reliability:
    • Ensures consistent performance under specified conditions.
    • Includes error handling and robustness against unexpected inputs.
  7. Performance Efficiency:
    • The design should ensure optimal performance, minimizing resource usage.
    • Involves efficient algorithms and data structures.
  8. Scalability:
    • The design should accommodate growth, allowing for easy expansion and modification.
    • Addresses future enhancements and increased user loads.
  9. Maintainability:
    • The software should be easy to update and modify.
    • Involves writing clean, understandable, and well-documented code.
  10. Portability:
    • Design should be adaptable to various environments and platforms.
    • Facilitates easier migration and integration.
  11. Security:
    • Incorporates features to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.
    • Essential for protecting sensitive information.
  12. Flexibility:
    • The design should be flexible enough to accommodate changes without significant rework.
    • Allows for adaptation to changing requirements.
  13. Testability:
    • The design should facilitate easy testing of the software components.
    • Ensures that the software is reliable and meets quality standards.

Good software design is characterized by a balance between these elements, each contributing to the creation of a robust, efficient, and user-friendly software product.


(a) Why low coupling and high cohesion is one of the desired properties

of software design?

Low coupling and high cohesion are critical design principles in software engineering:

  • Low Coupling:
    • Independence: Reduces dependencies between modules, allowing changes in one module without impacting others.
    • Maintainability: Easier to maintain and debug modules independently.
    • Reusability: Enhances the potential to reuse modules in different contexts.
  • High Cohesion:
    • Clarity: Modules with a single, well-defined purpose are easier to understand.
    • Efficiency: Improves the efficiency of development and testing processes.
    • Reliability: Increases reliability as tightly related functionalities are encapsulated within the same module.

High coupling and low cohesion can make a system difficult to change and test, while low coupling and high cohesion make a system easier to maintain and improve.

(b) Why project scheduling is required? Discuss merits and demerits of

any one project scheduling technique? ( 4 marks )

Project scheduling is a fundamental aspect of project management in software development, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and effectively.

Why Project Scheduling is Required:

  1. Effective Resource Management:
    • Organizes and allocates resources, such as personnel and equipment, optimally.
    • Prevents resource over-allocation and conflicts, enhancing productivity.
  2. Time Management:
    • Helps in setting realistic timelines for project milestones and deliverables.
    • Enables tracking of progress against the planned schedule, ensuring timely project completion.
  3. Risk Mitigation:
    • Identifies potential delays early, allowing for proactive risk management.
    • Facilitates contingency planning for unforeseen events.
  4. Stakeholder Communication:
    • Provides a clear roadmap for stakeholders, enhancing transparency and trust.
    • Facilitates regular updates on project progress and expected completion dates.

Gantt Chart: A Project Scheduling Technique:


  • Visual Clarity: Offers a clear, visual representation of the project timeline, showing task durations and overlaps.
  • Easy to Understand: Simple format that is easily comprehensible by all project stakeholders.
  • Progress Tracking: Enables real-time tracking of project progress against the planned schedule.


  • Complexity in Large Projects: Can become unwieldy and difficult to interpret for large projects with numerous tasks.
  • Static Nature: Lacks flexibility to accommodate changes; updating Gantt charts for evolving project scopes can be time-consuming.
  • Does Not Show Task Dependencies: Fails to depict the interdependencies between tasks, which can be critical in understanding the project workflow.

(c) Write short note on Software CMM levels 07

Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a methodology used to develop, refine maturity of an organizations software development process. It is developed by SIE in mid 1980. It is a process improvement approach.

To assess an organization against a scale of 5 process maturity levels. It Deals with the what processes should be implemented & not so much with the how processes should be implemented. Each maturity level comprises a predefined set of process areas called KDA (Key Process Area), these KDA – Goals, Commitment, Ability, measurement, verification.

Levels of Capability Maturity Model (CMM) are as following below.

  1. Level 1 - Initial: (Ad Hoc Activities)
    • Characteristics: Processes are undocumented and chaotic.
    • Environment: Reactive, with success depending on individual efforts.
  2. Level 2 - Repeatable: Work is planned and tracked
    • Characteristics: Basic project management processes are established.
    • Focus: On tracking costs, schedules, and functionality.
  3. Level 3 - Defined: Work is well defined.
    • Characteristics: Processes are documented, standardized, and integrated into an organization-wide software process.
    • Focus: On documentation, standardization, and integration.
  4. Level 4 - Managed: Work is quantitatively controlled.
    • Characteristics: Processes are measured and controlled.
    • Focus: On collecting detailed measures of the process and product quality.
    • Software Quality management – Management can effectively control the software development effort using precise measurements. At this level, organization set a quantitative quality goal for both software process and software maintenance.
    • Quantitative Process Management – At this maturity level, The performance of processes is controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques, and is quantitatively predictable.
  5. Level 5 - Optimizing: Work is Based Upon Continuous Improvement.
    • Characteristics: Focus on continuous process improvement.
    • Methods: Error prevention, management of process change, and technological innovation.

Each CMM level builds upon the previous one, providing a structured path for organizations to improve their software process capabilities, leading to higher quality software and more efficient and predictable development cycles.



(a) How does one design a good user interface for the software? (03)

To design a good user interface for software, focus on the following key principles:

  1. Structure:
    • Organize the interface clearly and logically.
    • Group similar elements together and separate unrelated elements.
  2. Simplicity:
    • Make common tasks easy to perform.
    • Use clear language and offer shortcuts for complex procedures.
  3. Visibility:
    • Ensure all necessary options and information are visible without overwhelming the user.
  4. Feedback:
    • Provide timely and relevant feedback about user actions and system status.
  5. Tolerance:
    • Design a forgiving interface that reduces the cost of errors, allows for undoing actions, and handles a variety of user inputs.

(b) What are the basic challenges in reuse of program? (04)

Challenges in Reuse of Program (4 Marks)

  1. Compatibility Issues:
    • Integration Difficulties: Reusable components may not integrate seamlessly with different systems or technologies, leading to functional conflicts.
    • Environment Variances: Discrepancies in operating environments can pose challenges in ensuring consistent performance.
  2. Lack of Standardization:
    • Inconsistent Coding Practices: Variability in coding standards and practices across different components can complicate the reuse process.
    • Design Inconsistencies: Differing design patterns and methodologies can reduce compatibility and increase integration time.
  3. Documentation and Understanding:
    • Inadequate Documentation: Often, reusable components lack comprehensive documentation, making it challenging for developers to understand and implement them effectively.
    • Knowledge Transfer Issues: The absence of proper knowledge transfer mechanisms regarding the functionality and limitations of components can hinder their effective utilization.
  4. Maintenance and Support:
    • External Dependencies: Components developed outside the current development team or organization can lead to dependency issues and a lack of control over future updates.
    • Update and Compatibility Concerns: Continuous maintenance and ensuring compatibility with evolving technologies can be resource-intensive, especially for externally sourced components.

(c) Write short note on SIX SIGMA. (07)

Six Sigma is the process of producing high and improved quality output. This can be done in two phases – identification and elimination. The cause of defects is identified and appropriate elimination is done which reduces variation in whole processes. A six sigma method is one in which 99.99966% of all the products to be produced have the same features and are of free from defects.

Characteristics of Six Sigma:

  1. Statistical Quality Control: Six Sigma is derived from the Greek Letter ? which denote Standard Deviation in statistics. Standard Deviation is used for measuring the quality of output.
  2. Methodical Approach: The Six Sigma is a systematic approach of application in DMAIC and DMADV which can be used to improve the quality of production. DMAIC means for Design-Measure- Analyze-Improve-Control. While DMADV stands for Design-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify.
  3. Fact and Data-Based Approach: The statistical and methodical method shows the scientific basis of the technique.
  4. Project and Objective-Based Focus: The Six Sigma process is implemented to focus on the requirements and conditions.
  5. Customer Focus: The customer focus is fundamental to the Six Sigma approach. The quality improvement and control standards are based on specific customer requirements.
  6. Teamwork Approach to Quality Management: The Six Sigma process requires organizations to get organized for improving quality.

Six Sigma Methodologies:

Two methodologies used in the Six Sigma projects are DMAIC and DMADV.

  • DMAIC is used to enhance an existing business process. The DMAIC project methodology has five phases: ( Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control )
  • DMADV is used to create new product designs or process designs. The DMADV project methodology also has five phases: ( Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify )


(a) Benefits of Software Reengineering (3 Marks)

Software reengineering offers several advantages for maintaining and enhancing existing systems:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness:
    • More economical than developing new software from scratch.
    • Reduces the need for extensive new investments.
  2. Improved Performance and Efficiency:
    • Modernizes legacy systems, enhancing their performance.
    • Optimizes existing functionalities for current technology standards.
  3. Extended Software Lifespan:
    • Increases the longevity of software by updating and refurbishing.
    • Allows the software to adapt to new business requirements and technologies.

(b) Differences Between Agile and DevOps (4 Marks)

Agile and DevOps are methodologies with distinct focuses and practices:

FocusAgile emphasizes iterative development and rapid delivery of software.DevOps focuses on continuous integration, delivery, and collaboration between development and operations teams.
ScopePrimarily centered around the development phase of software.Encompasses the entire software lifecycle, from development to deployment and operations.
GoalAims to accelerate software delivery and improve adaptability to change.Seeks to unify development and operations for faster, more efficient deployment and management.
CollaborationInvolves close collaboration within development teams and with stakeholders.Promotes a culture of collaboration and communication between developers, IT professionals, and system administrators.

(c) Discuss 7 C’s of DevOps Lifecycle for Business Agility (7 Marks)

The 7 C’s of the DevOps lifecycle represent a comprehensive framework that enhances business agility through continuous processes:

  1. Continuous Development:
    • Involves constant development of software features and updates.
    • Encourages iterative and incremental development, aligning with changing business needs.
  2. Continuous Integration:
    • Regularly merging code changes into a central repository.
    • Automated builds and tests ensure code integrity and early bug detection.
  3. Continuous Testing:
    • Consistent testing of the software to ensure quality.
    • Automated testing tools are used to validate code changes in real-time.
  4. Continuous Deployment/Continuous Delivery:
    • Continuous Deployment automates the release of validated changes to production.
    • Continuous Delivery ensures that software is always in a release-ready state.
  5. Continuous Monitoring:
    • Ongoing surveillance of application and infrastructure performance.
    • Helps in proactively identifying and resolving issues to maintain service quality.
  6. Continuous Feedback:
    • Gathering and implementing feedback from stakeholders and end-users.
    • Essential for aligning development with user expectations and market trends.
  7. Continuous Operations:
    • Ensures uninterrupted operation of software and systems.
    • Focuses on operational efficiency and reducing downtime.

These seven continuous processes constitute the backbone of the DevOps approach, integrating development, testing, deployment, and operations into a cohesive, agile model. This lifecycle not only accelerates software delivery but also enhances quality and reliability, ensuring that software meets evolving business and customer demands efficiently.



(a) Explain domain analysis process in component Based Software

Engineering? (03)

Domain analysis in Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) involves:

  1. Identifying the Domain:
    • Determining the specific domain or area for which components are to be developed.
    • Involves understanding the broader context and specific needs.
  2. Analyzing Commonalities and Variabilities:
    • Identifying common features shared across the domain and points of variation.
    • Helps in creating flexible components that cater to a range of requirements.
  3. Creating a Reusable Model:
    • Developing a conceptual model that represents the domain's key aspects.
    • Ensures that components developed are reusable and adaptable within the domain.

(b) What are different challenges for adopting DevOps? (04)

Adopting DevOps presents several challenges:

  1. Cultural Shift:
    • Requires changing the traditional mindset and breaking down silos between development and operations teams.
    • Promotes a culture of collaboration, which can be difficult to establish.
  2. Integration of Tools and Processes:
    • Involves integrating various tools for coding, testing, deployment, and monitoring.
    • Requires seamless coordination across different stages of development.
  3. Automation:
    • Implementing automation in testing, deployment, and monitoring is crucial.
    • Can be challenging to automate complex workflows.
  4. Security and Compliance:
    • Ensuring security practices are integrated (DevSecOps).
    • Balancing speed of delivery with compliance and security requirements.

(c) What is web engineering? Explain any three web engineering

methods. (07)

  • Web engineering is the process used to create high-quality Web Apps.
  • Web engineering is not a perfect clone of software engineering, but it borrows many of software engineering's
  • Fundamental concepts and principles, emphasizing the same technical and management activities.
  • Web Engineering (WebE) is concerned with the establishment and use of sound scientific, engineering, and management principles and disciplined and systematic approaches to the successful development, deployment, and maintenance of high quality Web-based systems and applications.

Three Web Engineering Methods:

  • Agile Development:
    • Description: Agile is an iterative and incremental approach to software development. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback throughout the development process.
    • Relevance to Web Engineering: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, are often used in web development to adapt to changing requirements and deliver features incrementally
  • DevOps:
    • Description: DevOps is a set of practices that combine software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the development lifecycle and deliver high-quality software continuously.
    • Relevance to Web Engineering: DevOps is crucial in web engineering for automating deployment, ensuring scalability, and maintaining the reliability of web applications.
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC):
    • Description: MVC is a design pattern that separates an application into three interconnected components: Model, View, and Controller. It provides a modular structure for building scalable and maintainable web applications.
    • Relevance to Web Engineering: MVC is commonly employed in web development frameworks to organize code and improve code maintainability.

Web engineering methods provide structured approaches to addressing these challenges, ensuring robust, scalable, and secure web applications.